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Topic: Total Fitness and its components

What do you think when you have lots of energy?

Do you think about the many things you want to do, places where you want to go, people you want to see?

How do you feel when you don't have energy?

Do you think about staying in bed, lying around the house, closing out the rest of the world?

The truth is that when we have energy, we say yes, and when we have little or no energy, we say no.

Healthy eating will give you the optimum energy and nutrition for life. Eating with the purpose of feeding your cell and fueling your system is one of the simplest ways to build your energy and invest in your health. Purposeful eating does not mean to deriving your body of the required fuel and nutrition it not the keep to healthy eating. However purposeful eating means eat in moderation and small motions at a time.

The powerful tools of marketing and advertising have caused a lot of confusion about what foods are nutritionally good, bad, and fad. We as a nation are obsessed with weight issues. We have strayed so far away from the basics of nutrition that we are best. This is why we need to regroup and refresh ourselves with the basic principles of our energy and nutritional needs.

At all times, we should bear in mend the famous quote let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. The quote should remind us that we should include those things that are good for us abundantly and regularly in our lives. Eating for energy gives you a new way of looking at food and new foods to look at and eat!
Here are some new ideas to digest about your nutrition:

1) Energy driven choices: What kind of energy do I want to have as an outcome of the type of food I purchase at the grocery store, for a particular meal.
2) Energy control: If you want to feel energized, eat a meal that has more than half (55 to 60 percent) of the total calories from carbohydrates less than 25 percent from fat and the rest (15 percent) from protein.
3) Emerging independence: Feeding your body with a healthy energy plan in mind gives you real independence and more opportunities for saying yes to life.
4) The impact of nutrition on cellular you: Maintaining a balanced diet is the key to healthy eating.

The Dietary guidelines for American are seven basic principles for developing and maintaining a healthier diet. They were developed by the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The Dietary guidelines emphasize balance variety and moderation in the overall diet. The seven guidelines are:

1) Eat a variety of foods.
2) Maintain a desirable weight.
3) Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
4) Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber.
5) Avoid too much sugar.
6) Avoid too much sodium.
7) If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

Eating healthy consist of eating food from all of the major food groups. The major food groups are:

1) Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates should make up 55 to 60 percent of total calories consumed. Their primary function is o supply energy, quickly.
2) Fats: These should make up less than 25 to 30 percent of total calories. There are two types of fats; saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats causes much damage, they are known also as artery blockers. Keep these well below 10 percent of your calories consumed. Unsaturated fats are the preferred fats. There are two types. Namely:
a) Monounsaturated fats: Examples of sources are olive and canola oils.
b) Polyunsaturated fats: they are found in corn sunflower, soybean, and sunflower oils.
3) Protein: Protein is compounds derived from amino acids. The primary function of protein is to build and repair red blood cells, muscle hair and bodily tissue cells. I recommended intake is 4 gram per ml.
4) Water: Water is found in food and fluids. The human body is about 60-76 percent water. Daily requirement is a minimum of 64 ounces of water. Water is necessary for the transportation of nutrients, gases, and waste products, and regulation of heat. Several signs that indicate if enough water are not being consumed.

These are the following signs. These are the following signs:
a) Bad breath
b) Pasty mouth, tongue
c) Dark colored/ smelly urine
d) Interstitial cramping
e) Difficult bowels
f) Dry skin
g) Headaches

5) Vitamins: vitamins are the support crew or catalysts that enable other important functions to take place in the body. A good source of vitamin is whole food source.
6) Minerals: Minerals are inorganic substances that help the body perform many functions.

There are several factors that determine how eating affect our bodies. These factors are:

1) Genetics and History: The body will function or perform cell activity based on the history of the body function and also based on genetic functions.
2) Slowed metabolism: when the brain is deprived of its glucose and regular energy income, it slows down other metabolic events in the body too.
3) Rebound effect: When we feel deprived of something, it seems to motivate us to want it even more. Periods of self-imposed deprivation are often followed by periods of overindulgence. When one relaxes and allows ourselves to eat and nourish he/she's body machine that can avoid the impending rebound effect.

How can you eat to maintain good health and get your weight in check?

1) Always estimate the calories before you eat a meal.

2) Constantly check weight, to keep weight in check.

3) Managing your body composition and weight are very important to maintain energy and prolong long life.

4) Always eat a balanced diet. Know if you have a sloe metabolism or not.

5) Know your genetic and family history. Set goals for yourself, and know your limitations.

6) Focus your attention on your energy and how you fuel throughout your day. Live, love, eat healthy and enjoy life.


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